This weekend was great, and well...tiring. The Hoag's were gone (well, the parents) all weekend and so I played mom from thursday morning to sunday night. Not gonna lie those kids wore me right out! This was our schedule:
6:00 AM lab
8:00 Out the door for their school
10-2 I had school
2:00 pick Nate up from school
3:30 pick girls up from school
3:30-7:00 homework done, dinner made and fed, house cleaned, garbages (3 out on the street), tubs, teeth brushed, stories read, hugs and kisses, prayers, and bed. Whew
7:10:30 study and fall into bed
I had school til 2, so I had to have someone watch them.
3:00 pick them up with 3 friends
3:00-8:30 cleaned house, helped them write a play and get costumes, homework, movie night, made "gack", dinner made, picked up book from library, teeth brushed, jamies on, prayers, stories, and in bed.
6:00AM nate woke me up
7-12: Did ALL the girls hair and nate in tub
12-2 Lia's birthday party
2-5 bowling
5-8:30 movie night,pizza ordered and eaten, house cleaned, teeth brushed, paper finished.
6:00 AM Nate woke me up
8-10:30 hair done and ready for church
11:00-2:00 church
2:00-6:30 quiet times, house cleaned, banana bread made, lasagna made, homework done, and gone.
That was my weekend. I am dead tired. Bring on the new week.
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