Monday, September 27, 2010


Transfer Goals:
1. At least one baptism
2. 18 new investigators
3. Teach at least one family
4. Full schedules (20 lessons a week)
In order for these goals to happen we will:
1. Contact at least one hour a day.
2. Be on time to all pros. activities and missionary schedules
3. Teach one active family a week and challenge them for referrals
4. Ask for referals from everyone
5. Schedule a meeting with the Bishop so he can understand our goals and understand his expectations
6. Start a grattitude book where we recogize the Lord's hand in our work
What the Lord promises us:
1. Place people in our path who are prepared
2. create time where investigators schedules will open up
3. Inspire us where to knock
4. Give members missionary opportunities and courage to invite friends
5. Protect us from Illness and evil people
I know that the Lord will grant us these things if we do our part. Each night we return and report and already our schedule is more full than last week. So many appointments cancelled on us and I couldn't believe it...even our legit investigators didn't show up or come to church. My blessing was great last night also and I know that I can make it through this transfer and learn a lot in the process.